Keeps track of your company's finances, inventory, production, sales and more. Generates invoices, documents as well as reports and calculates service tax, VAT, etc.
Busy is a software solution developed to help managers or accouters to manage their business processes and operational control. It is best suited for small or medium businesses offering features such as graphs,charts, option to change labels and captions in data entry forms or reports export.
The program requires some patience from the end-user because of the slow installation process. As you enter the program, you discover that Busy seems complicated and has an ancient interface. Though the menu is provided with simple and intuitive information, the navigation through the menus is poor mainly because of badly crafted action buttons. Also, the interface often freezes and overall, it feels quite clunky.
When it comes to capabilities, Busy offers plenty of tools and features so that users can achieve their tasks. You can sort transactions, sort or filter the screen reports. Thus, the transactions can be filtered to match certain parameters.
The moment you have filled the database with information, the program can calculate the total or average of the incoming and outgoing amounts. This also stands for your account balance.
Moreover, the data can be sorted and filtered and then exported into an Excel spreadsheet for further analysis.
In conclusion, Busy can be described as decent accounting software, one that doesn't have a noticeable GUI, but which offers multiple features to its users.
Therefore, if the high price and the poorly designed interface aren't big inconveniences for you, do try it.
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